What is Virus With Full Explained in simple terms of English?


What is Virus With Full Explained in simple terms of English?

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In today's time, the way Internet and social media are being searched the most is a word named Virus.  Because in this time the way Corona Virus has spread all over the world and has become a huge epidemic and frightened the whole world, then the question has been raised in the mind of the people that what are these viruses, ACs which  Takes life even today, through this article, we will tell you what is this virus?  What are the types of Virus and how do they attack our body?  And how to prevent it?  We are going to give complete information about it, so if you read this post completely, let's start.

 And first of all know what are Virus?

 Virus are very small germs or viruses, which are made up of Genetic Material inside the shell of a protein, and the Genetic Material of the virus can be in the form of an RNA or DNA, which is common to Protein, Lipid and Glycoprotein.  The shell is surrounded on all four sides, or there is a small combination of all three.  The virus can infect any animal, plant or bacteria and often causes very serious and even fatal diseases.

 What are Antidote and Vaccine?

 How does Virus work?

 A virus cannot grow without the aid of any living cell, but still

 They can spread, the virus itself does not have reproductive capacity and is therefore not considered like normal living organisms.  And it is found in both dead and living stages.  Viruses are like thugs.  They only invade living cells and use those cells to increase the number of other viruses like themselves.  Viruses can kill cells and can even damage or replace cells and make you sick.  Different types of viruses attack some organ cells in your body such as your liver, respiratory system or blood.

 Some of the well-known viruses include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which causes AIDS, herpes simplex virus, which causes cold sores, chicken pox, multiple sclerosis, and human papilloma virus which now causes cervical cancer in adult women.  It is believed to be a major cause, and at this time corona (COVID 19) which attacks our liver and common cold is also caused by the virus.  And today, the issue of the origin of new viruses (Virus) is still surrounded by mystery, the diseases caused by these viruses or viruses and how to cure them are still in the early stages of development.  Viruses are extremely small and range from about 20 - 400 nanometers in diameter.  The largest virus known as mimivirus is up to 500 nanometers in diameter.

 What are Virus?  

After knowing this, now we know how many types of Virus are there?

 Viruses are classified based on the type of their host.  On this basis Holmes divided the virus into three groups in 1948.  Which are as follows:

 Animal virus

 This type of virus infects the cell of animals including humans, hence they are called animal viruses.  Such as influenza virus, rabies virus, mumps virus (which causes mumps), polio virus, small pox virus, hepatitis virus, rhino virus (common cold cold virus), etc.  Their genetic material is RNA or DNA.

 Plant virus

 This type of virus infects plants, so this virus is called plant virus.  Their Genetic Material is just RNA that resides in the protein shell.  For example, tobacco mosaic virus, Potato Virus (potato virus), banana bunchi top virus, tomato yellow leaf curl virus (tomato leaf), beet yellow virus and turnip yellow virus, etc.


 Viruses of this type that infect bacteria or bacteria cells are known as bacteriophages or bacteria-eating viruses.  They contain only DNA in the form of Genetic Material.  There are many varieties of bacteriophages.  Generally, each type of bacteriophage attacks only one species or only one strain of bacteria.

 And now know how this virus spreads?

 Viruses enter our bodies through the nose, mouth, or skin from the soil, through the environment or through other individuals, through any means in the nose, mouth or skin and look for a cell to infect.  For example, a cold cold or flu virus attacks cells that are in the respiratory or lungs or digestive tract.  HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) that causes AIDS also attacks the T-cells of our immune system, a type of white blood cells that fight infection and disease.

 Virus infections are spread in humans in basically the same way:

 If a person has a cold and coughs or sneezes, the virus spreads.

 The virus spreads by touching or shaking hands of another person who is infected with any type of virus.

 If a person touches food with dirty hands and eats food then the virus spreads in the intestine as well.

 Viruses, especially hepatitis or AIDS, are transmitted to other individuals by injecting or sexual contact with fluids inside the body, such as blood, saliva and semen, and other similar fluids.

 And now we know a little about diseases caused by viruses.

 Virus causes diseases in an organism with more than one cell.  Virus can cause many types of diseases in humans such as:

  •  Corona (COVID 19)
  •  chicken pox
  •  AIDS
  •  Common cold
  •  Chicken pox
  •  Plague
  •  Influenza
  •  Genital herpes
  •  Measles
  •  Polio
  •  Rabies
  •  Ebola hemorrhagic fever

 And even some types of cancer are linked to the virus.  In some cases it can also be difficult to determine if the cause of your symptoms is bacteria or viruses.  Many diseases can be caused by pneumonia, meningitis, and diarrhea, either by bacteria or viruses.  Viral diseases that affect animals are also caused by viruses such as rabies, mouth-hoof, bird flu and swine flu.  Plant diseases include mosaic disease, ring spot, leaf curl and leaf roll disease.

 And now know what to do to avoid the virus?

 Whenever a virus enters our body, we are not always sick but sometimes our immune system is capable of fighting this virus.  If you have had a viral infection, an immunoglobulin blood test is done to help diagnose the various conditions that cause it.  In most cases of viral infections, treatment only helps to reduce symptoms, so you can only wait to fight the virus through your immune system.  Antibiotics do not work for viral infections.  Anti-viral drugs are given to treat some viral infections.  But in most cases the virus can be avoided by fighting our immune system.

 But some ticks are also available which can help protect you from many viral diseases.  The vaccine has been quite effective in preventing certain types of viral infections such as small pox.  Tika works by helping the body fight the immune system against specific types of viruses.  And many new antiviral drugs are being developed in the solution, which prevents the virus from spreading in the body, but unfortunately, these treatments can still be used on very few viruses and their effect is still very much  Are limited.

 You can avoid viruses in these ways:

 Whenever you prepare or eat food, clean your hands often and avoid using your bathroom, touching your eyes, nose or mouth after using the bathroom or changing the diaper and clean the hands thoroughly and also hygiene the body.  Keep it.

 When you sneeze or cough you place your elbow on your mouth and nose instead of your hand.

 Hand washing is the most effective and most ignored method of preventing the virus.  But soap and water work to kill the virus.  Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and rub both your hands together and clean them.  Disposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers also work well.

 And we hope that from this article what are the viruses?  What are the types and how does it fail?  You would have got all the information related to this, if you liked our article.

 So like it and also share it to your friends so that they too can get information related to this subject and also visit our Mastermind Tech Support Official Website (https://developerworldtech.blogspot.com)for further innovative information.

 Thank you!!!!

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